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  • Writer's pictureLinnéa Jacobsson

Mind mapping

Updated: Jan 10

Text with references:


Native to the Northern regions but still distributed troughout the world. Like many other trees it provides habitat and and many different types of ecosystem services. The pines seads is an imprtant food sourse for the birds, squirrels and other animals.

Swedish forests:

"You’ll benefit from the healing powers of nature even if you just sit on a rock and breathe in the pine-infused air. It's a most sustainable way to enjoy nature with all your senses. Listen to the wind in the trees, discover the scent of moss, and watch the sun’s rays move slowly over rocks, stones and water. You might even refuel with a handful of blueberries that thrive here in late summer – Mother Nature’s pantry is free for all to enjoy in Sweden."

"Roughly 70% of Sweden’s total land area is covered by forest." "Sweden is situated in the geographical zone referred to as the boreal coniferous belt. Conifers such as spruce (Picea sp) and pine (Pinus sp) are the dominant species in this zone." "The wood volume in Swedish forests consists of 20 percent broadleaved trees and 40 percent each of spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus silvestris). "

"Certain dimensions and qualities of Swedish spruce are also suitable for furniture production. Spruce has knots along the whole length of the trunk. The knots have a greater cross-section in the butt log and are smaller towards the top."


"We’ve come a long way since our early days in Älmhult, Sweden, but IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad’s dream to create a better life for as many people as possible – whatever the size of their wallet – is and will always be our driving force." "A playful childhood, Småland drive and plenty of love shaped Ingvar into an inventive little." "If manufacturing was so cheap, why did products become so expensive as soon as they left the factory?"

Thoughts on playfulness:

I think this is an important factor in whatever you do. As kids we experiment, try new things, and imagine in a playful way. As we grow up we lose much of that due to how society “wants you to behave or think”. The best people to ask for advice might be the kids and let them think and create freely without andything stopping them.


The definition of a table on Oxford languages is: “a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at.”


"The increased consumption associated with low-cost production has created problems of conservation of natural resources and the disposal or reconversion of the wastes of production and of goods whose utility is ended."


“5 tonnes of waste

is produced by the average European each year.

Only 38% of waste in the EU is recycled.

Over 60% of household waste still goes to landfill in some EU countries.”

Swedish waste:

"Most households in Sweden separates its waste into the following fractions: Food waste, packaging of metal, plastic, paper and glass, newspapers, electronics, tires and batteries."

"A large share of the waste generated in Sweden is incinerated in waste-to-energy facilities, where water for district heating as well as electricity is generated."

Habitat types in Sweden:

There are six major habitat types in Sweden. "The national parks reflect Sweden’s nature. Together, they form a whole that provides protection for the six different landscape types that are characteristic and unique to Sweden."

"Lakes and watercourses

Sweden has one of the greatest concentrations of lakes in the world. Almost one-tenth of its surface consists of lakes. Sparkling fresh water environments are present in most national parks."


About 90 percent of the national parks’ combined surface area is in mountainous regions. Here you can hike from mountain birch forests or ancient coniferous forests across windswept heaths and up onto glistening glaciers."

"Coast and sea

The national parks along the coast offer great contrasts: Skuleskogen’s uplifted coast, the sandbanks of the Haparanda archipelago and Kosterhavet’s briny rocks and rare submerged life."

"Broad-leaved deciduous forest

Forests of beech, ash, oak and elm trees cover less than one percent of Sweden. The light-filled, leafy spaces teem with life, including many rare animals and plants. These forests can be found in Söderåsen, Dalby Söderskog and Ängsö."


About one-fifth of Sweden’s surface is covered by wetlands such as bogs, fens and marshes. They are vital for many birds, like the Eurasian curlew whose whistling sends vibrations through summer evenings."

"Coniferous forest

The dark green cover of forests of pine and spruce dominates Sweden’s nature, including the large national parks outside the mountainous areas. In Tyresta and Muddus/Muttos, you can see traces of forest fires that once left their stamp on the landscape."


“The problem with cartons and plastic pouches is that they are made of a mix of materials – plastic with either card or foil – and they can’t be recycled back into their original components.” “WILL A WHOLE STREET’S RECYCLING BE THROWN OUT BECAUSE OF ONE MISTAKE? It’s possible that if food is thrown out with recycling it will spoil a large amount of paper and card, and it might need to be sent to landfill or incinerated, says Scott.”


Albert Einstein famously said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”


A habitat is a place where an organism makes its home. A habitat meets all the environmental conditions an organism needs to survive.


An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscapes, work together to form a bubble of life.


not common or frequent; very unusual.

More expensive, Feel-good factor:

Expensive items and experiences are often branded as higher quality, exclusive, bespoke, or offering greater amenities or services. But are the most expensive things in life always better?

People splurge on luxury goods because they think it will make them happy.

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