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Last studio session

Today we discussed what we have thought about this course and the module. After giving our thoughts we continued to discuss why we do what we do. I wrote down some points:

  • Question

  • Challenge

  • Think outside of the box

  • New function

  • Re-think what we can be/do

  • Think differently through its making

  • To tackle climate change

  • Design with ecology

  • Our experience of everything

  • Push against/through what the architect expected

  • We challenge what it could be

  • We design with the expectation of a space

Everyone will interpret this differently, but I can talk about how it speaks to me. An example was: "Sustainable materials is a step in the right direction but it is still in the box of how we work and do things." I agree, that we need to think deeper, and in a new way, if we want to get out of the patterns we have now maybe we need to change the pattern. It's not as easy as being said tho, though we still need to take into account how much might need the change and the things that will have to happen for the change to happen. But that is why we need to look at the process instead of the goal and enjoy the process. We should not be afraid of change, especially when it is a change that is needed for our survival. May I just add not everyone sees the need for change and that will be difficult. But at least my goal as a spatial design practitioner is to find new ways that challenge and rethink how we currently do things. To try and experiment for a more sustainable future.

(Further thought this might have been last week's discussion but I will let it stay here)

Moving on to our final design task. We were asked to design or do anything to then present it. What I could think of at the moment was the box that we needed to break out from. So that is what I started to draw, it is always just best to do something. I imagined something needing to break out of the box and when it does it becomes more colourful. Which represent, new ways of seeing things in every corner, by exploring new things, places, ways etc.

This moved on to what we see as individuals and thought of a task to test what different people see. My points were:

  • Even if you can not see it (or hear/feel etc.) it does not mean that it is not there.

  • How/what I see might differ from someone else.

I then went on to develop this to test my classmates.

I asked them what they could see. I got two different answers, maybe more philosophical than I thought. But that proves my point even more in how different people see things.

I then showed them what I saw in the lines:

Photo number one is a duck, which I saw first. Then there arrived only animals, I could not see anything else than more animals. Following the duck comes, a snail, a bird, a mouse, and a fish.

It was great to do whatever, an exercise for the brain to not think too much and just do what you feel at the moment and go with it.

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